Tuesday, 2 June 2009

(no subject)

1 June 2009, 7:30 p.m.

We are underway. Making 6 knots, on the rhumb line, about 25 nautical miles south of beautiful Huatulco.

This is Don Hall feeding the QuickStar blog for the next ten days while Diana and my wife Martha hike, sightsee and generally live it up in Peru.

When I arrived last night Pete was waiting with a cold beer and a ready boat. We took much of today dealing with the paper work associated with leaving Mexico. Also managed to fit in a seaside lunch. By late afternoon we were out of the harbor heading into open ocean, accompanied by about 15 to 20 dolphins playing off our bow wave. Nice send off. QuickStar arrived in Mexico Fall 2007. I know she will be back, because I know how much Di and Pete love Mexico. But for now, QuickStar and her crew have other ports to visit. We hope to drop anchor in Academy Bay on Santa Cruz Island, part of the Galapagos archipelago, by June 10.

(Pete just called me on deck to see the sunset.)

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46 foot Beneteau

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