Hi..for some reason the comments button has disappeared from the following posts.
Here is it again...I will get this figured out - hopefully soon...thanks for bearing with me.
A doctor examining a woman who had been rushed to the Emergency Room, took
the husband aside, and said, 'I don't like the looks of your wife at all.'
'Me neither doc,' said the husband.
'But she's a great cook and really good with the kids.'
Criticism is something you can easily avoid by saying nothing, doing nothing, being nothing.
As for worrying about what other people might think - forget it. They aren't concerned about you. They're too busy worrying about what you and other people think of them."
Michael le Boeuf
Oh dear...you'll work it out.....
Hi Mama and Papa B! your blog looks great Di! i got the address off your facebook profile, i hope that is okay?
looks like you are having a wonderful time. the pictures are fantastic! beautiful shots of you with Danny and Kylie.
I wish i had been there to ride with you guys at sundance! you looked very happy to be on horseback again. i hope peter gave Guinness a pat for me!
As for myself, i just arrived home from Australia a couple days ago (april 15th). had such an amazing time and didnt really want to leave! it was wonderful to be able to meet up with kylie!she was such an incredible hostess!
i had a blog when i was away and i know how important comments are for encouragement and keeping in touch, so i'll try to keep them coming.
happy sailing!
Hello there:
I was able to find how to leave a comment by clicking on the actual words "comment" not the envelope.
High tech isn't it?
Great way to update everyone
Say hi to Jodi tomorrow
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