Swine Flu Update

This week the swine flu was moved up to the the highest worldwide threat level. It is devastating to watch how it is impacting Mexico, with an already fragile economy. While in Bahia Navidad all bars were ordered to be closed and locked up. Restuarants remain open, but we were the only ones in ours. Similarily having been in La Hadas, Manzanillo for the past few days, it is like a ghost town. This is their annual celebration week, but no bars are open. The locals are shutting themselves up at home, while the government and the media scare everyone almost senseless. For the past two nights at dinner, we were again the lone diners and the wait staff were wearing face masks. It is almost surreal.
Our concern now is on the future of our cruising plans....leaving Mexico on June 1st to the Galapagos and then onward to the South Pacific. We have a friend from Ottawa flying in to do the Galapagos crossing (if flights are still flying which many of them aren't now) with Peter. I'm intending on flying out on May 31st to hike Manchu Pichu (if they'll let me out of the country). The huge concern is whether the boat will be allowed in to the Galapagos....yesterday there was a small Pacific Island ,Pictarin, that has just closed down to any visiting boats. We are hoping this is not the beginning of further closed borders. We are also worried about Doug and Shelby who are flying in to the Galapagos to do the next crossing with us. We are hopeful our boat will indeed by there waiting for them. We are keeping our fingers crossed for everyone.
We appreciate all the emails and concern over us staying healthy. We'll be careful. We'll keep the blog updated every week and hopefully this flu scare will blow over soon.
Thanks to Marlene, our good friend and my fellow Scrabble club member, who kindly made our new mosquito netting. It is just perfect!
Anniversay Week - 31 wonderful years!
Peter & I have just had a fabulous anniversary week. Since it was our 31st, we figured we'd celebrate for a whole week instead of a day.
We couldn't have had a more spectacular start...just before leaving Bahia Tenacitita we were surrounded by bottle-nosed dolphins. I hopped in the water and got to swim and play with them. Too incredible for words...check out the short video on the April 28th update.
Until next time.....Wishing our pride and joy - Kylie - a very happy 21st birthday in Australia. May you continue to share your magic with the world. Miss you. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
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