Sending Kylie birthday messages from across the sea. We were able to talk to her an hour ago using Skype onboard from Tahiti while she is in Bryon Bay, Australia. How cool is that? It's hard to believe she is our baby girl - all grown up now at 22! Here's a picture of her and our old neighbour and Ky’s lifelong friend Natalie at 3 years old, whom she grew up with. Ironically, Natalie is currently visiting Kylie for a month, so they get to celebrate another birthday together. Kylie...we miss you and are so incredibly proud of you.
We had a bit of a gong show today. We decided to leave Tahiti rather than wait the 10 plus days to get the boat papers from Canada. Instead, we've arranged to have them flown over to Bora Bora once they arrive here and then we'll pick them up there before we leave these islands. So, we did our final provisioning and then set sail for Moorea. About an hour out, the wind blew up out of nowhere from one tack to another with gusting winds of over 35 knots. Long story short, we had a bit of a knockdown with water pouring through the inadvertently left open hatches in the galley. On top of that, the water tank had a connection pop off, so we had a bit of a flood going on from both sources. We continued on for a while, with me getting increasingly tense and less than happy with my Captain, as the seas continued to crash over the bow with us heeling almost to the rail even with a double-reefed main and no jenny out. We finally decided to turn around - after all we aren't on any kind of a fixed schedule - and so here we are back in Tahiti once again. We are in a different anchorage though, so we can pretend we are somewhere else. So we’ve had two aborted attempts out of three so far on this trip. Based on that history, I’m not going to even mention where we are thinking of going next!
The good thing about it is that we were able to get the internet and make the birthday call to Kylie and as I'm typing this, we are listening to the Canucks on the radio via the internet. Right now Chicago is up 3 - 2, but there is still lots of time. Go Canucks Go!!!! (Congratulations to Montreal for continuing to hang in during the playoffs). The other cool thing about being near a marina is that we can do book exchanges. You end up reading books that you would otherwise overlook. I just finished an awesome non-fiction book on AIDS in Africa and Peter’s read another good book by Michael Connelly (The Lincoln Lawyers). Always fun to find and enjoy new authours.
Until next Friday...wishing all the Mothers out there a wonderful Mother's Day on Sunday.
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